Elizabeth Gilbert in Big Magic, writing about her parents: They were responsible people. Taxpayers. Solid. Voted for Reagan. (Twice!) I learned how to be a rebel from them. Because—just beyond the reach of their basic good citizenship—my parents did whatever the hell they wanted to do with their lives, and they did it with a […]
Job Search
Job Search Advice for Students (and Other People)

When I discuss post-grad plans with my students, one of the issues that always comes up is balance. No, not work-life balance. The balance of the short-term and long-term perspectives. Often the conversation happens in what should be an ecstatic moment: a graduating senior has a job offer (!). Why is the mood less than […]
What Do You Love About Your Job?
There is a right answer to this question: I work with great people, and I am learning something every day. The guy who wrote the book on being a highly effective person counsels to “begin with end in mind.” People engaged in job search often think that landing a job is the end that they […]
Polite Persistence
I help a lot of students with their job searches. I like doing it. Who doesn’t love sharing the I-wish-I-knew-this-when-I-was-your-age wisdom? One of the key tenets in job search is “polite persistence.” My friend and HR expert Liz Ryan describes polite persistence brilliantly. She recounts stories of people who got no response more than a […]