This is a beautiful ballad from the Eagles, released in 1975, “Take It to the Limit.” Listen here. All alone at the end of the evening And the bright lights have faded to blue I was thinking ’bout a woman Who might have loved me I never knew You know I’ve always been a dreamer […]
One of the themes in my remarks at my dad’s memorial was his love of poetry. He always told us, “poetry was meant to be read aloud.” Last week I traveled to Bloomington, Indiana and had breakfast at a restaurant called Runcible Spoon. The reference felt like a wink from dad: Edward Lear’s “The Owl […]
And Now
Heartrage is exhausting. I am not done raging, but I do take breaks. Here’s one of them. DH and I are watching Blue Bloods. Blue Bloods is a police family show with an ensemble cast. “Police family” in the sense that all the adults in the family are in the police, except the district attorney […]
Waste Not, Want Not
I wrote a few months ago about my dad’s passing. Mom is doing really well. My sister and I have been visiting her to help with some of the team projects. Last summer, I helped find a home for the 1980s electronics assemblies that my dad used in building Gamma Instruments (his thickness gauge business). […]
MCB 1942-2023
This post covers an ending of one era and a beginning of another. In Spring of 2022, my sister visited my parents. In our debrief she gave me stern instructions: Don’t wait until Thanksgiving to visit. Dad’s health is not good. I called home and confronted my dad. Amy says you are not going to […]
Who Said That?
Son #2 was home for a few days from NYC. I asked him what the strangest or funniest or scariest (which I added reluctantly because who wants to know that? not this mama) thing he has seen in the subway. I follow Subway Creatures on instagram; I know there is strange stuff to be seen: […]
A Sandwich
These two people have something important in common. Aha! you say, the Yankees caps. Nope. The grandson couldn’t give a fig about the Yankees. Grandpa lent him the cap for for a day of fun at the ballpark. Grandson could give a fig about Grandpa’s Rule for such outings: Eat Whatever You Want. And it […]
Shoals of Adolescence
A funny post floated by in my Facebook stream containing “tips from a teenager.” Some of the tips: when the trash is full put more trash on it when you need something specific from the store ask […]
Was He Hitting On You?
In case you don’t have time to read the whole post, the answer is no. Most of the readers of this blog are people I know personally. So if you are reading this, you are probably already aware that I started a new job in May. I am still at Leeds, the business school at […]
The Luckiest Men Alive
When I introduce him to one of my friends, DH has been known to exclaim, “I am the luckiest man alive!” Apparently this form of introduction makes quite an impression on people. The new acquaintance finds it charming and such a sweet thing to say. Me? How do I find it? Laden with subtext. Here’s […]