• Blog
  • Milo Jordan, 2004/5 – 2023

    Loyal readers of this blog have heard about our neighbor’s tuxedo cat Milo. The neighbor is Lois, although it might be more accurate to say that the neighbors are Milo and Lois. But now the neighbor is just Lois because Milo died last week. The last time we had our backyard fence rebuilt, we had […]

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  • 1986

    I entered college in 1986. My parents bought me an electric typewriter (Brother brand) to take to college. It had a rudimentary word processing feature with a one-line digital display. Who knew how soon the typing world would change? Not us. I don’t know what happened to that typewriter. It would not surprise me to […]

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  • I Love My Job

    I spoke at orientation at the start of the semester two weeks ago. It’s so fun to be part of the happy and nervous energy of the day. Our campus mascot, Chip, stopped by to greet the students and families. I love Chip. Yes, I understand that inside that grimy costume is a student. But […]

  • Blog
  • Same Friend, Different Blessing

    Earlier on this blog, I shared “a friend’s blessing.” I will see that friend tomorrow, so she is on my mind. Here’s another one from her: In the fray of everyday life, may you embody your true nature. I catch myself repeating this instruction, like a song lyric stuck on repeat in my brain. With […]

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  • Who Said That?

    Son #2 was home for a few days from NYC. I asked him what the strangest or funniest or scariest (which I added reluctantly because who wants to know that? not this mama) thing he has seen in the subway. I follow Subway Creatures on instagram; I know there is strange stuff to be seen: […]

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  • A Sandwich

    These two people have something important in common. Aha! you say, the Yankees caps. Nope. The grandson couldn’t give a fig about the Yankees. Grandpa lent him the cap for for a day of fun at the ballpark. Grandson could give a fig about Grandpa’s Rule for such outings: Eat Whatever You Want. And it […]